
Showing posts from November, 2015

Mommy Wars - External or Internal

[This blog post was inspired by a friend of mine who lives in hotter climates.] We hear a lot about the Mommy Wars. You know the woman who judges you for breast feeding. The woman who judges your for not breast feeding. The woman who judges you because you don't have your kid in a Mommy & Me Music Class at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday when you are working and the toddler is at preschool. The woman who judges you for working. The woman who judges you for not working. The woman who judges you for not showing up to your kid's school to volunteer for the class party or not showing up for field day. And you don't hear anything about Daddy Wars. Daddies are not expected to take time off from work, they are not expected to show up at school for events, they are not expected to do doctor visits, they are not expected to talk with teachers about sensitive issues. Don't hear this as they don't. I'm merely listing the differences in expectations for mothers versus father...