2015, No More Waiting, Trying to be Better

I welcome 2015. It's the first year since 2005 (when we initiated the adoption process for Prima) that we weren't waiting for something, or rather someone. Now both of our babies are safe at home and no more waiting. It's the beginning of a new chapter in our family. Time to more forward.

I am not a resolution maker. I don't have the energy to make such definitive statements about my endeavors in the coming months. We all learn as we become adults, the future is ever changing and flexible and not at all predictable. But a few things I am working on and will continue to work on are:

  1. Find ways to be patient.
  2. Find ways to take a moment to think before reacting.
  3. Find ways to stop and listen.
  4. Find the energy to play with my children.
  5. Find an ability to release control.
  6. Find ways to stop worrying about my own perceived deadlines such as getting the kids to bed promptly at 7:00, which is difficult if not downright impossible on karate nights.
  7. Find ways to reach my children.
  8. Find ways to show them each how much I love them.
  9. Find ways to spend time with each of them individually.
  10. Find days when they each get to choose the day's agenda.
  11. Find the energy to cook for my children when husband is traveling.
  12. Become an expert at label reading for calcium and dairy content.
  13. Find ways to release my stress before coming home every day.
  14. Find ways to take control of Segunda's health and be her advocate.
  15. Find ways to help Prima be a child and have fun.
  16. Read more.
I can't wait to see what this year brings. I think we will see Segunda begin to walk and maybe even run. I think we will hear her vocabulary expand as she improves her speech. I think Prima will find a little more courage. I think Prima will become a little bit more secure. I think Prima will ask approximately 895,672 more questions in 2015.

What does 2015 have in store for you?


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