The Angry Babies
Lately, my kids have been ... I don't know how to describe it ... let's go with ... challenging. Segunda has temper tantrums that are either super loud and long lasting or she makes no sound but throws everything in her reach attempting utter destruction. The no sound ones are a little freaky. Prima has been struggling with her emotions of late too. We aren't sure of the trigger, but she actually seems determined to let herself get out of control. You can see the cycle happening before your eyes and watch her head towards the cliff with purpose. I've read book after book and there are still more books to read. They all feel like homework assignments. And if you don't do your homework you are bound to fail. No pressure or anything. Most books agree that you are supposed to help your kids identify their emotion and label it for them and most of the time the kid is supposed to calm right down. I'm not sure if they have tried these techniques on actual children, b...